b'TABLE OF CONTENTSABOUT SIU uCARE4Letter from the President 21Upcoming Registry StudiesBy Reynaldo Gmez5SIU GovernanceSOCIETY AFFAIRS22SIU Journal 6 SIU EVENTS6SIU 2022A Return to Montreal SPONSOR 10B2B Uro-Oncology: GU Cancers ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSTriadIn conjunction with 24Corporate Sponsors andSIU 2022 Society ContributorsTHE SIUS OFFICE OF 10 EDUCATION14Coming January 2023 toSIU Academy CME-Accredited Sessions Unaccredited Sessions162022 ProgrammesSIU 360 WebinarsIn Spanish eGrand Rounds22 18SIU Training Scholarships19Accredited Training CentresAll information published is accurate as of time of print.2 SIUuMAG|NOVEMBER 2022, VOLUME 3, NO. 3'